Monday, June 14, 2010

HBA Home Tour 2010

So, tonight I took an hour out of my landscaping schedule and toured three homes that are on the 2010 Home Builder's Association Tour of Homes. Of the 30 homes featured on this year's tour, two were the most expensive of the listings and the third was in the upper-midrange of home values. All three were located in West Salem.

The first home was valued at $995,000 and was built by Timbercraft Homes, Inc.

Much of the attempted landscaping was saved by the ever-abundant supply of bark dust. I think it was spread approximately two hours before the home first opened for tours. There wasn't a sign of a single weed poking through anywhere. Why can't that ever happen around my home? The house itself was located outside West Salem city limits...still around other homes, but far enough out that you don't feel like your neighbors are living on top of you.

The main design elements of this home were wood beams, rocks poking out of random brick structures and cement. I suppose it was meant to look homey, but in a rustic, mountainy, brick and mortar sort of way.

This next set of pictures shows the dining room living room, and one of the random brick/rock fireplaces in one of the bedrooms. Seriously? I would have killed myself on that growing up!

The basement was...uhhh...cold and industrial to say the least. Unfinished cement abounded, and even throw rugs on the floor did nothing to improve the barren blandness. Metal pipes make excellent clothing rods and it seems perfectly natural to find a hallway doubling as a shower. I guess that would be easy to clean. Add a bar with LED lighting and you are all set to party! Just make sure you don't brush up against anything or it will draw blood.

This home had some very weird touches as well. Have you ever wondered what to do with all those tall candlesticks? You now have your answer! Ever thought of what you would most like to see when you are standing in your walk in closet? How about a urinal at the other end? When you can't build a movie room, have you ever though of building
a door sized for a midget that leads to a tiny, secret media room in the middle of your home? That's here too! Better make sure you hire midgets that can bring you snacks because once you wedge yourself through the door, you may not be able to get back out. Don't worry, there are plenty of shelves in there for books so if you get stuck, you'll have plenty to read for years to come. (Trust me, that's a midget door in the honestly didn't even come up to my shoulders.)

The best part of this house was the flatbread pizza they were cooking in the brick oven. Yes, that crooked brick thing is actually built into the kitchen. However, it was delicious pizza! I just wish they wouldn't have cut the pieces so small!

I'll continue with the other two homes tomorrow. Figuring out the basics of this blogging thing took longer than expected.


  1. Hello, Bloggifer! I love looking at houses and also criticizing them. :D

    Urinal... gross. For some reason those creep me out. You know how sometimes you go into a both-gender (I forgot what you call that) bathroom and it'll have one (I can't even say the word again, I hate it so much) and it just kind of startles you with grossness? Or is that just me?

  2. Aren't they called the "family restrooms"? I'm not sure how many families have urinals installed in their homes so I don't know how accurate that term is. Apparently that particular device is becoming more and more standard.

    I love how my first comment to this blog is to discuss urinals. LOL!

  3. Yes, I have a way of bringing out the best in people's blog entries. ;)

    Now you should "follow" me because I only have like 8 and it's lonely!

  4. I thought I was already - sorry! I'll remedy that right away!

  5. Who cares about the bathrooms, let's talk about the pizza oven. Sounds delicious but how many families cook that much pizza?

  6. That bathroom brings a new meaning to the term "water closet." :) I'm sure there are any number of things you van cook in a brick oven, but I really wonder how many people would use it on a regular basis. That has to be a pretty custom thing.

  7. Hmmm... what to say.... This home made me think of movies where little hobbits are living in tree trunks...
